Quotes From "The City In Which I Love You" By LiYoung Lee

A bruise, bluein the muscle, youimpinge upon me. As bone hugs the ache home, so I'm vexed to love you, your bodythe shape of returns, your hair a torsoof light, your heat I must have, your opening I'd eat, each momentof that soft-finned fruit, inverted fountain in which I don't see me. LiYoung Lee
A door jumpsout from shadows, then jumps away. Thisis what I've come to find:the back door, unlatched. Tooled by insular wind, itslams and slamswithout meaningto and without meaning. LiYoung Lee
My tongue remembers your wounded flavor. The vein in my...
My tongue remembers your wounded flavor. The vein in my neckadores you. A swordstands up between my hips, my hidden fleece sends forth its scent of human oil. LiYoung Lee
Moonlight and high wind. Dark poplars toss, insinuate the sea.
Moonlight and high wind. Dark poplars toss, insinuate the sea. LiYoung Lee
Memory revises me.
Memory revises me. LiYoung Lee
But in the cityin which I love you, no one comes, no onemeets me in the brick clefts;in the wedged dark, no finger touches me secretly, no mouthtastes my flawless salt, no one wakens the honey in the cells, finds the hummingin the ribs, the rich business in the recesses;hulls clogged, I continue laden LiYoung Lee
I buried my father in my heart. Now he grows in me, my strange son, my little root who won’t drink milk, little pale foot sunk in unheard-of night, little clock spring newly wetin the fire, little grape, parent to the future wine, a son the fruit of his own son, little father I ransom with my life LiYoung Lee